Tuesday, July 28, 2020


On the afternoon of 26th July, 2020, I was probing my Facebook posts as usual when I suddenly came across a Rangers’ Day Profile Frame made and used by a good number of my Forest Ranger colleagues who were trained by the same college at the same time. It struck me hard this time because I have no clue how the day came into existence although I remember attending the said Day since 2017. Earlier, I did not take any interest in knowing who, where, why and how the Day was established because such celebrations depend on many factors (funds, time, institutional support and more importantly leaders) and I just thought, maybe there are funds, so we are celebrating. But with many Forest Rangers taking a lot of interest in celebrating this Day, it should become a formal Day in the long run. Enthusiasm, interest, zest, zing and institutional support can make this happen every year. In my days as Forest Ranger (in the strictest sense) since October 1998 through to December 2012, such a day was never heard of although I get an understanding through literature search that the Day was established way back in 2007.

Origin of Forest Ranger 
Of course, being a medieval world leader, many things in the world starts with England, so is the profession called Rangers who then were employed to “range” through the forests (landscape) to regulate forest resources use, especially poaching. They then had to ensure the forest laws are implemented in the countryside that included royal forests much like the medieval mounted foresters (of course very much in then British sense) and it is the same thing that the current Rangers do as well. The term ranger appears to reflect the Medieval Latin Word regardatores which was first coined in 1217 in the Great Britain Charter of the Forest. Later, regardatores was translated to ranger in English in the charter. Rangers were also then called regarders (in the Charter of the Forest) and their duty was “to go through the forests making the regard as it used to be made at the time of the first coronation of King Henry." The earliest letters patent ranger dates back to 1341 and by 1455 England had "all manner and singular Offices of Foresters and Rangers" of all the aforementioned forests. So, this is how the profession called Ranger started. This especially is interesting to me (one of the reasons that I am blogging), because I studied the Rangers’ Course designed by British in India, their former colony, where discipline is considered more important than understanding the science of the forests and the trees. Even the qualification requirement is quite open. Perhaps to adjust people from all background. You could be just a matriculate or you could have a PhD as well. They have a system of giving 500 marks for your conduct which is included in the overall performance of the trainee students just as good as writing examinations. Simple and straight forward, Bhutan copied the Indian model of forest administration which British left in India (they still have the Forest services colleges for different levels (Range, State Forest Service and Union Forest Service Officers courses at different places) and we get to see our colleagues still getting trained in one or two such colleges in India every year . Thus, our system of professionalizing Ranger is the direct copy of then British Empire so the Rangers of Bhutan are like Rangers of any country in the world.

The word Ranger was resurrected to Warden by Americans in the 19th and the 20th centuries. However, the word Ranger has been in continuous use to mean those people who have been charged to take care of a designated forest reserve or parks. There are lots of arguments around about who would have been the world’s first Ranger but I guess, the person would be an English because Ranger as profession starts from there although I don't find it important (but perhaps important for forest historians). It would be of interest to us though if we knew who was the Bhutan's First Ranger. To continue with the origin, the then US Department of the Interior used the term Ranger inside the badge that read “Forest Reserve Ranger” between 1898 and 1906. These insignias were part of the Uniform that the Forest Rangers wore, are wearing and will wear.

From hereon I am plagiarizing the contents of "https://www.internationalrangers.org/" and I put all words from here in the double inverted coma because what we here in Bhutan do is precisely done by the Rangers in the rest of the world too. Thus, there is no need for paraphrasing and rephrasing because of which I am just copy pasting.

Duties, disciplines and specializations
The duties of the modern park ranger are as varied and diverse as the parks where they serve and in recent years have become more highly specialized. Regardless of the regular duties of any one discipline, the goal of all rangers remains to protect the park resources for future generations and to protect park visitors. This goal is accomplished by the professionalism and sometimes overlapping of the different divisions. For example, an interpretive ranger may perform a law enforcement role by explaining special park regulations to visitors and encouraging them to be proper stewards of natural and cultural history. Law enforcement rangers and other park employees may contribute to the mission of the interpretive ranger by providing information to park visitors about park resources and facilities. The spirit of teamwork in accomplishing the mission of protecting the parks and people is underscored by the fact that in many cases, for the U.S. National Park Rangers in particular, all park rangers share a common uniform regardless of work assignment.

Law enforcement
Law enforcement rangers have police powers and enforce national, state, provincial, and/or local laws as well as park regulations. In some developing countries, the park rangers patrolling natural preserves may be heavily armed and function as paramilitary organizations against organized poachers or even guerrillas. In many other developing countries however, park rangers have law enforcement authority and do carry firearms as they seek to achieve respect for nature by building good relationships with local communities and the visiting public. In units of the U.S. National Park System, Law Enforcement Rangers are the primary police agency; their services may be augmented by the US Park Police, particularly in the Washington, DC and San Francisco metropolitan areas. The U.S. National Park Service also has a section of "Special Agents" who conduct more complex criminal investigations. According to U.S. Department of Justice statistics, National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers suffer the highest number of felonious assaults, and the highest number of homicides of all federal law enforcement officers. The City of New York has a uniformed division of Park Rangers called the New York City Parks Enforcement Patrol who are responsible for patrolling the city parks, pools and beaches.

Interpretation and education
Park Rangers provide a wide range of informational services to visitors. Some Rangers provide practical information—such as driving directions, train timetables, weather forecasts, trip-planning resources, and beyond. Rangers may provide interpretive programs to visitors intended to foster stewardship of the resources by the visitor as a method of resource protection. Interpretation in this sense includes (but is not limited to): guided tours about the park's history, ecology or both; slideshows, talks, demonstrations; informal contacts, and historical re-enactments. Rangers may also engage in leading more formalized curriculum-based educational programs, meant to support and complement instruction received by visiting students in traditional academic settings and often designed to help educators meet specific national and/or local standards of instruction. All uniformed rangers, regardless of their primary duties, are often expected to be experts on the resources in their care, whether they are natural or cultural.

Emergency response
Rangers are often trained in wilderness first aid and participate in search and rescue to locate lost persons in the wilderness. Many national parks require law enforcement rangers to maintain certification as Emergency Medical Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, or Paramedics. Depending on the needs of the park where assigned, rangers may participate in high-angle rescue, swift-water rescue, may be certified scuba divers, and can become specially trained as helicopter pilots or crew members.

Rangers are often the first to spot forest fires and are often trained to engage in wild land firefighting and in some cases structural firefighting. Rangers also enforce laws and regulations regarding campfires and other fires on park lands. In the face of a fire outside their control, rangers will call for help and evacuate persons from the area pending the arrival of additional firefighters.

Some rangers work as park protection dispatchers, answering emergency calls and dispatching law enforcement rangers, park fire fighters or Park EMS crews by radio to emergency calls for service. Park Dispatchers provide pre-arrival instructions to callers to help them stay alive until responding units arrive. Dispatchers coordinate multi-agency responses to emergencies within the park boundaries and utilize computer systems to check for criminal histories of subjects stopped by park law enforcement rangers. Park Dispatchers typically perform other duties such as taking lost-and-found reports, monitoring CCTV surveillance cameras and fire alarms. Dispatchers are assigned to the Park Protection Division.

Scientists and scholars
Rangers are responsible for protecting the natural resources or cultural sites for which they work. This includes obtaining and preserving knowledge about the area. As such, many different types of historians and scientists are employed as rangers. Some scientific positions often filled by rangers include archaeologist, many different types of biologist, ecologist, fire scientist, geologist, hydrologist, paleontologist, soil scientist, volcanologist, etc. Rangers in these positions are expected to study, monitor, and inform others (in the form of published, peer-reviewed scientific papers as well as internally) about their findings. These people add to the knowledge dispersed in interpretive and educational programs, and provide information needed by managers and others to more effectively protect the resource.

Some rangers perform regular maintenance on infrastructure or equipment such as fire rings as part of their duties — especially in preparing for winter closures and spring reopenings. Rangers are often the first to discover vandalism or weather-related damage to park roads, trails and campgrounds.

In many cases administrative staff members are categorized officially as park rangers and may wear the distinct park ranger uniform while working "behind the scenes" to ensure the continued operation of the parks. These rangers may set policy for the parks, or handle park budgets, computers and technology, human resources, or other fields related to the administration of parks. In the case of management these positions are usually filled by individuals who have moved up from other field-based positions. These individuals are often heavily cross trained in order to allow for a knowledge of all other areas and duties under their authority (See my once multi-talented colleagues in the figure below).

 Remembering my Trashigang Team Mates on the eve of 2020 World Rangers' Day

Worldwide ranger deficit in developing countries

The Adopt A Ranger Foundation has calculated that worldwide about 150,000 rangers are needed for the protected areas in developing and transitions countries. There is no data on how many rangers are employed at the moment, but probably less than half the protected areas in developing and transition countries have any rangers at all and those that have them are at least 50% short. This means that there would be a worldwide ranger deficit of 105,000 rangers in the developing and transition countries.

One of the world's foremost conservationists, Dr. Kenton Miller, stated about the importance of rangers: "The future of our ecosystem services and our heritage depends upon park rangers. With the rapidity at which the challenges to protected areas are both changing and increasing, there has never been more of a need for well-prepared human capacity to manage. Park rangers are the backbone of park management. They are on the ground. They work on the front line with scientists, visitors, and members of local communities."

Adopt A Ranger fears that the ranger deficit is the single greatest limiting factor in effectively protecting nature in 75% of the world. Currently, no conservation organization or Western country or international organization addresses this problem. Adopt A Ranger has been incorporated to draw worldwide public attention to the most urgent problem that conservation is facing in developing and transition countries: protected areas without field staff. Specifically, it will contribute to solving the problem by fund raising to finance rangers in the field. It will also help governments in developing and transition countries to assess realistic staffing needs and staffing strategies.

Around the globe, park rangers are on the front line in the fight to protect our natural heritage. World Ranger Day offers a chance to support their vital work, which ranges from environmental campaigning to education. The day is also an opportunity to pay tribute to rangers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It’s estimated there are more than 100,000 reserves, parks and protected areas around the world. World Ranger Day was created by the International Ranger Federation and was first held in 2007. Many mistakenly think America’s Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the world, but there’s one that is over 100 years older. Established by the Mongolian government in 1778, the area surrounding Bogd Khan Uul Mountain is the oldest national park in the world. Many events are being staged around the world, including guided walks and screenings of the documentary The Thin Green Line. If there isn’t an event in your area, you could organize one – and help to raise awareness of the vital role performed by custodians of the world’s parks.

Learn about World Ranger Day
World Ranger Day is celebrated to commemorate Rangers that have been injured or killed in the line of duty. It also celebrates all of the work that Rangers do around the world to protect the cultural heritage and natural treasures of the planet.  

What is a Ranger?
A Ranger typically refers to a forest ranger or a park ranger. A Ranger is a person that is charged with preserving and protecting parklands and natural protected areas. Rangers will usually work with other volunteers and staff members in order to maintain bridges, stiles, gates, and footpaths. They are also the eyes and ears of the national park authority, spending most of their time out and about. They provide contact between the national park authority and between local people and visitors. Rangers need to have a lot of local knowledge of the history of the national park and the wildlife, as well as where to go and what to see. They help answer questions about the park from the public. However, their work goes a lot further than this. They also have to look out for any potential problems, and because they are dealing with live animals, it can be very risky. To become a Ranger, practical skills and the right knowledge are needed. Aside from this, a degree in environmental management, conservation, or a similar subject is typically required.

The true dangers of being a park ranger
You may think that the real danger of being a park ranger comes from the animals and the national landscape. In fact, you would be wrong! Statistics show that park rangers are facing more dangers than ever before. Assaults on park rangers are at an all-time high. In fact, park rangers are more likely to be assaulted than FBI agents and border patrol officers! A lot of experts have spoken about the increased risk, and they believe it is down to the fact that there are more park visitors than ever before but there 50 percent less rangers today as there used to be in the ‘80s. Therefore, while Rangers are often dealing with wild animals and their safety is at risk in this sense, this is not the only danger that they need to worry about. 

History of World Ranger Day
The first World Ranger Day took place in 2007, the date represented the 15th anniversary of when the IRF was founded. IRF stands for the International Ranger Federation. This organization was founded in 1992. It was founded when the ANPR (U.S. Association of National Park Rangers), SCRA (Scottish Countryside Rangers Association), and the CMA (Countryside Management Association, which represents rangers in Wales and England), got together and signed a joint agreement. This agreement was to raise support and awareness of the critical work that rangers around the globe do when it comes to conserving cultural and natural heritage. 

How to celebrate World Ranger Day
There are a number of different ways that you can celebrate World Ranger Day and get involved. This includes the following.

Raise money for Ranger projects
One of the ways that you can play honor to rangers of the world on World Ranger Day is by raising funds for all of the critical work that Rangers do. There are a lot of different causes that you can raise funds for. This includes supporting the families of fallen Rangers, as well as raising funds for equipping and training Rangers in the field.

To fundraise effectively, you need to have an idea that is going to raise money and get other people involved. A lot of people like to do things that involve the community. For example, you could organize a fun run, a cake sale, or something along these lines. The idea does not need to be complicated. You need to get other people involved. If you raise money and awareness, you have done your job! Of course, you can also raise money through other means. For example, you could make a craft or a certain type of product, and you can sell it online or in the local area. You can then donate all of the profits, or at least some of them, to helping out Rangers and their families.

Pause for a moment
Another way to celebrate World Ranger Day is to simply take the time to think about everything that Rangers have done for the world. Simply pause for a moment and think about all of the Rangers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our planet’s cultural heritage and natural treasures. 

Spread the word and raise awareness
Of course, we can have already mentioned how you can raise awareness through fundraising. However, you can also spread the word and raise awareness through the likes of blogging and social media. There are lots of great pieces of content online, including infographics and fact sheets, which you can share with others to try and raise awareness about the work that Rangers do. Of course, you could write your own personal message to spread the word to your friends, family, and followers. It is up to you.

Host an event
Another way to celebrate World Ranger Day is to host an event. You can organize an event at your favorite place, community center, school, work, or even your home, and invite your loved ones. Mark the occasion by learning about everything that Rangers do, and making others aware of this. You can then inspire them to join the cause.

So, there you have it: an insight into World Ranger Day. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about all of the incredible work that Rangers do and the dangers that they put themselves in on a daily basis.

A lot of people do not stop and think about this, and so it is nice to be able to take the day and show Rangers just how much we appreciate them. As well as paying our respect to those that have lost their lives in this job. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020



Bhutan is home to many flowering and non-flowering plants. This report intends to provide a basic information on one species of flowering plant Moneses uniflora for the first time from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.

Geographical Distribution

Moneses uniflora is reported from China, Japan, North Korea, Mongolia, Russia and is known to be widely distributed in Northern Temperate and Sub-Arctic zones, particularly Europe (Flora of china at http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200016134). However, this is the first record of this plant in Bhutan from Chelila. The author found this plant on 25th June 2015 on his first plant search in the particular area and again on 1st July 2018 from the same spot on his second plant expedition at an elevation of 3430masl within the geographic coordinates of 27°23’19.00” N 89°20’52.04” E.
Moneses uniflora
Field observation 
It is a single white nodding flower herb with 3 or more whorled simple deep green leaf, alternate at base and tooth/serrated at the edge of the leave blade. Flowers symmetrical with 5 petals and 5 sepals. Stem glabrous erect and not branched. Roots are long, slender and branched. It shares its habitat with wild Frageria nubicola, Iris sp, Orechis foliosa and Rhododendron shrubs grown on decaying needles and mosses of dry spruce forests with open slopes. It is also found in slightly disturbed areas along the road sides on moist soils. The flowering time as observed in the field in case of this particular location is from late June to July. It has been observed in east or southeast facing slopes (aspect). The soil type preferences need to be assessed in future.  
Literature Review
Linnaeus in 1753 named it as Pyrola uniflora from the specimens collected from Europe. Later in 1843 Thomas Nuttal renamed it as Moneses reticulata as mentioned by Richard Salisbury on creating a new genus of Moneses in 1700s. The current nomenclature of Moneses uniflora was given by one Asa Gray in 1848 (https://www.swcoloradowildflowers.com).

The flower of the plant is said to be used as medicinal remedy by native American tribes for the treatment of skin rashes, cold, throat pain and analgesic (Flora of North America; http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=200016134). The plant is also used for the treatment of bunions and corns in humans simply by bandaging the flowers on the affected area (http://www.borealforest.org/herbs/herb25.htm).

The evergreen perennial herbs grow 3-10 cm in height (Borealforest.org) and is 0.2–0.6 mm in diameter (flora of Pakistan). Leaves are finely toothed and is round/oval shaped, arranged in whorled and opposite at the base. Leaves are light green colour underneath and shiny green on the upper surface and is 6-22x5-20mm in size (Flora of North; America eflora.org). Flowers are single with leafless stalk, white coloured with 5 spreading petals and 10 stamens. Stigma are usually lobbed (5 no) and appears in mid-summer (exact time period of field visits of the author). Fruit are spherical with erect capsules measuring 6-8mm cross, contains many tiny seeds which matures in late -summer (http://www.borealforest.org/herbs/herb25.htm). It grows in cool and moist woodland, preferably with deep mosses of mix-conifer forest 
                                                         Location map of the species

Flowering time: June to July

Flora of north America; (Accessed on June 5th, 2015 at http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=200016134)
Flora of China. Accessed on July 5th, 2018 at: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200016134)
Flora of Pakistan. Accessed on July 5th, 2018 at: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=200016134
Borealforest.org. Accessed on July 5, 2018 at: http://www.borealforest.org/herbs/herb25.htm
Wild Flowers. Accessed on July 5, 2018 at: https://www.swcoloradowildflowers.com/White%20Enlarged%20Photo%20Pages/moneses%20uniflora.htm

Authors: Gyeltshen Dorji and Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal, Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, Haa
Suggested citation: Dorji, G. and Wangyal, J. T. (2020). FIRST REPORT ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MONESES UNIFLORA IN BHUTAN. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4186552794921548147&useLegacyBlogger=true#editor/target=post;postID=7652056258630057142;onPublishedMenu=settings;onClosedMenu=settings;postNum=0;src=link


Who said you should always be systematic? Random numbers sometimes do wonders! So, I picked some random numbers from here and there and I am putting it here, just for me. Those who read this, please be informed that these lines impressed me so much that I became so tempted to steal and thus I stole!
Someone who told her problems are solved because she does not fight!
She smiled and said to me “I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. I stopped fighting with those who gossiped about me, I stopped fighting with my in-laws, I stopped fighting for attention, I stopped fighting to meet public expectations of me, I stopped fighting for my rights with stupid people and I left such fights to those who had nothing to fight for. I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny. The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful. Some fights are not your worth your time. My humble request to you is please stop fighting, be it with your husband, with your children, with your in laws, or with your servants at your home. Please never fight. No matter, how big your house is, no matter how huge your bank balance is, no matter how recent your car is, no matter how powerful your position in life is, at the end, the size of our grave will all be the same. So, please remember that the most important lesson for all of us to learn if you want to become successful be it in your family, be it in your career, be it in any walks of life; shed your egos, ego is killing mankind. If all of us can shed our egos, I’m sure there will be peace on earth and there will be progress and prosperity.

That girl you call fat, she is starving herself. That guy you made fun of crying; his mother is dying. That boy you pushed the other day, he could be abused at home. And that old man that you made fun of being deformed, he fought for our country. We think we know what everyone is going through, but the truth is we have no idea.
Don't blow out other's candle!
Blowing out someone’s candle does not make yours shine any brighter. And if you are trying to pull people down, you are already below them. And for those of you being put down, bullied or pushed back, recognize that if someone is making you feel you are not good enough, you are allowing them to do that. See, when someone says we are beautiful, we believe them for like a moment. But when someone says you are ugly; we believe them for a life time. Our mind constantly tricks us into amplifying the negatives and minimizing the positivity. But it is our choice not to let that in. 
India's greatest man
It was Gandhi who said that “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” See, we all have a choice to let things in; whether it is energy, words, feelings or emotions. It is our responsibility to keep our space the way we want it to be. And we will have to recognize that our words and actions have impact on others. There are so many people today dealing with so much that even the smallest action can become a huge trigger in their personal life. And remember those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Obeisance to the Divine Protecting Lord and Teacher Manjushri,
Whose Wisdom shineth forth gloriously, free from the two-fold mental gloom – like the sun free from clouds,
Bearing the sacred volume against his heart to symbolize His perfect knowledge of all Truth in its very reality.
Regarding those who are still in the captivity of the ocean of existence, enveloped in ignorance and its attendant suffering,
As a mother does her only son, and calling on them with his divinely sweet voice possessing the sixty vocal perfections,
The deep thrilling and thunder – like resonance of which arouses them from the deep sleep of ignorance and frees them from the fetters of Karma,
Bearing the Sword of Wisdom for cutting the weeds of suffering and lighting up the gloom of ignorance.
Pure from all Eternity, endowed with divine attributes of those who have passed beyond the ten degrees of 
Perfections, O, Thou, chief amongst royal princes,
O, Thou, dispeller of the gloom of my heart, adorned with the hundred and twelve beautifying ornaments, obeisance to Thee.
Let the radiance and glory of thy Wisdom, O, Loving One,
Dispel the sloth and gloom of my heart.
Graciously bestow on me the light of courage and intellect,
That I may understand the sacred words and scriptures alright.

Jitsun Jampelyang - the Lord of Wisdom, it is time that you give me all your blessings!
Ugyen Guru Rimpoche - An extraordinary man from Swat Valley, don't leave me alone even a minute.

Saturday, February 8, 2020



Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal and Anoop Hingorani

Proposing tree adoption for sustainable forest management funding for Bhutan!

Our hypothesis is that many people across the planet are aware of the global warming problems and understand the necessity to preserve trees that cushion the earth creating home to millions of living and non-living beings. However, they are unable to contribute to tree conservation owing to various reasons such as lack of space, political willingness and modern concept of life. We see that wealthy people enjoy visits to clean sea shores, mountains and never explored or less visited nature-based destinations, an indication that they like fresh and free air. Therefore, it can be assumed that they will be willing to contribute to nature conservation without reservations. Their ability to pay a lot of money for visiting places that make them happy and fresh can be used to multiply by giving them opportunity to make them own the nature itself by encouraging ideas such as tree adoption. Because they understand the importance of nature and trees, we can bank on their willingness to contribute in endeavors such as this because by any logic they would not hesitate to contribute any amount for the sake of saving the mother earth. Therefore, creating opportunities for the rich people to conserve nature is very important for conserving trees and subsequently saving the earth.  

Even otherwise, the intention with people in general is to contribute to nature conservation in any format. But we see that they have either been deprived of the opportunity to contribute or there are very little avenues for them to participate and donate to nature conservation. They do not have space or easy access to such initiatives. Hence, creating opportunities for people from all walks of life is vital at this juncture, when materialists have taken over many opportunities to expand their businesses.

One of the best opportunities to save trees and subsequently nature is by allowing people to either adopt or sponsor a tree or more. This might sound weird, but this will work. People with good values are expected to come forward to adopt or sponsor trees. With this opportunity being opened, people from all level of life, very rich, rich and not so rich can come forward and adopt or sponsor any number of trees in Bhutan. Ultimately, this will help in reducing the effects of global warming.

Why should people Adopt/Sponsor a tree? People willing to contribute to nature should be explained the importance of preservation of the tree and its contribution as a carbon sink and generation of precious oxygen required for natures cycles. This way the person shall be sponsoring oxygen supply for self and family.

Good Karma
There are instances of many people contributing to temples and to charities supporting good causes. Similarly, contribution towards tree adoption or tree sponsorship is a similar kind of approach for gaining good karma.

         Allow people who are interested to contribute funds to adopt or sponsor a tree for various duration.
       One-year duration – 100 dollars
       Five-year duration – 300 dollars
       Life time duration – 700 dollars
      Family life time duration – 1000 dollars (Group of 4 or 5 trees are named with all the family members).
     The people who contributes funds get to have their names displayed on a fully-grown tree. (The name can be written on a cloth and then tied to the tree or any other method that does not cause any harm to the tree or the environment).
     The tree should be part of a forest reserve with access to people who have contributed and view his name displayed on the trees.
    This forest reserve where the trees are named after various people, shall become a tourist destination as many tourists would like to visit this as a place of interest.
       A tourist visiting the forest reverse, should be able to adopt or sponsor the tree on the spot.

    A dedicated web site would be required to store information of the people who adopts or sponsors a tree.
      The website should have a photograph of the person along with his details.
      The website should contain the duration of tree adoption or tree sponsorship.
   The website should be able to send reminder e-mails to sponsors who have taken annual adoption or five-year adoption for renewal.
   The website should display certain information of the person - like Nationality, period of sponsorship, start date of the sponsorship, date of birth etc.
  The website should have credit card payment processing options for people to directly contribute (if they wish) and are unable to visit the forest reverse. The website should allow people interested, to upload their photographs on the website as a contributor.

      Fund generated through this scheme should be utilized for the day to day maintenance of the forest reserve.
       Part of the fund should be utilized for planting new saplings for future trees.
    The fund should be utilized to generate compost etc. and all other natural boosters for the growth of the trees.
      The funds should also be utilized for all the facilities for tourists (like washrooms, Tea/Coffee and Snack counters) who visit and would like to spend a day at the forest reserve.
      All the information of funds collected, and funds utilized should be displayed on the website to establish transparency.

      The scheme should have approval from the highest level within government agencies
   Tourists visiting the country should be provided information for Tree Adoption or Tree Sponsorship on all flights to Bhutan.
     There should be information of Tree Adoption or Tree Sponsorship displayed at all the hotels throughout Bhutan and tourist locations.
     Tree Adoption or Tree Sponsorship information should be displayed at shops where tourist visit for shopping.
     Tree Adoptions or Tree Sponsorship fund collection centres, should be included at local banks or post offices (this can be finalized later after the response of the first year).

     Trees offered for adoption or sponsorship are and shall remain property of the forest reserve (or any government department it falls under) and the person adopting or sponsoring the tree has no legal ownership of the tree.
     Trees offered for adoption or sponsorship are susceptible to various natural threats like floods, earthquakes, in such cases the functioning authority shall not be responsible for any destruction of the trees. Forest reserve authorities shall try to accommodate the names of sponsors again once the trees are re-grown or use another location to assign the names.
      Forest reserve authorities shall replace the names of the sponsors from one tree to another one in-case the trees are removed due to any emergency situations and the sponsor shall be informed through email.
This is my personal thought and anything written here is not intended to harm or promote people or things mentioned here. No one is authorized to use the content of this blog for either personal or private purpose. People mentioned here in are fictitious characters and any resemblance to anyone with some characters or more are purely coincidence.

Edinburgh University MSc BWEH inspiring change : Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal - Championing Bhutan's reptiles and amphibians

Responding to my MSc Biodiversity, Wildlife, and Ecosystem Health, course leaders and alma mater Where have you come from and what are you d...